Sustainable Events: International Polar Bear Day

Here are some steps to help make your corporate events more sustainable in honour of International Polar Bear Day…

Stop single use plastic bottles:

Try not to hand out plastic water bottles at your event and instead hire a mobile water station or filtered water coolers alongside some compostable cups for people to fill up as and when they please. This is also a much cheaper way for people to stay hydrated!

Reduce your carbon footprint:

Depending on the size of the event, try choosing a location which is easily accessible via public transport and isn’t too far away. If this is not possible then you can always set up shuttle buses or carpools to reduce the amount of people using private transport.


Reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill and place clearly marked recycling bins around your venue.

Swap your delegate bags:

Another way to reduce waste, is to stop the supply of delegate bags and encourage people to bring their own reusable bags to the event.

Paper free:

Try going paperless and use an event app to communicate essential information to your participants.

LED Lighting:

Encourage the use of LED lighting at exhibitor stands as this will provide you with brighter light as well as reduce energy consumption!  

At Fitwise, we are trying our best to incorporate these sustainable options to all our corporate events. Stay tuned for more to follow from us…

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