Then and Now – 4 years working at Fitwise Management Ltd

Then and Now:

4 years working at Fitwise Management Ltd

Laura McCann, Marketing Executive

In May 2011, I started my journey at Fitwise Management Ltd as the new Marketing Intern. At the time I was still studying at Stirling University and about to graduate in June with my BA honours degree in Tourism Management.

When I first started, the office was located at Drumcross Hall in Bathgate in a converted home which belongs to current chairman John Matthews. John and his wife, Maggie, sacrificed part of their home in order to accommodate the growing success of the company. I always remember thinking how lucky I was to work in such a beautiful building that had a real feeling of home and tranquillity!

However, space at Drumcross Hall was seriously limited and with my job being an internship, the company didn’t know if they were going to need me after the summer. As a result, my first few months at Fitwise Management Ltd involved a laptop and a small bench to keep my notepad! It wasn’t until I was offered a full time position in August 2011 as the new Sales and Marketing Assistant that I finally got my own computer and desk….yippee!

As the Sales and Marketing Assistant, my day involved assisting the sales manager, Paul Harrison, and marketing manager, Katie Hill with their day-to-day tasks which involved anything from drafting emails, creating surveys, inputting data, answering enquiries, copy editing marketing flyers and helping with the production of multiple publications.

As time went on, I was slowly given more and more responsibility with my own projects and events to manage. It was at this point that I realised my true passion was marketing events. Eventually, as the company grew larger, a new position became available and I then changed roles and became the Marketing Assistant.

Having just skimmed the surface of what was involved in the marketing of Fitwise and its clients, I was extremely keen to expand my knowledge and learn more by taking on larger, more complex projects. This involved working really closely with Katie and following her instructions and advice. Katie is a fantastic mentor and if it wasn’t for her support and guidance, I do not think I would be where I am today.

In July 2012, the company had grown so much that sadly we were too big to continue working at Drumcross Hall and had to move offices. In order to give you all an indication of the speed of the company’s success, when I started in 2011 I was employee number 14 but now, 4 years later the company has a team of 30 employees!! We now reside in Blackburn House, a beautiful listed building which we rent from the Scottish Historic Buildings Trust.

Let’s face it, having an office in a 17th century mansion with an equestrian centre as your next door neighbour is a dream come true! I mean, who else has this view from their office window??

The following year, my manager Katie announced that she was expecting a little boy and we then had to plan for Katie going on maternity leave. As we were a team of two at the time, I began to wonder what was going to happen whilst Katie was away and what this could mean for me and my position. I was therefore delighted to learn that I was being promoted to Marketing Executive and that we would recruit a new Marketing Assistant to support me whilst Katie was on leave. It was at this time that we welcomed Claire Muir to the marketing team. Claire was a fantastic addition to the team and provided great support.

During this time my work load grew exponentially with my own catalogue of one day study days, complex annual conferences to market as well as a number of quarterly publications to copy edit and print. However this gave me a fantastic opportunity to take on more responsibility and the opportunity to mentor Claire in her new role.

Fast forward another few months and the company is now employee owned, meaning I actually own part of the company. How amazing is that? If someone had told me back in 2011, on my little bench with my laptop that I would one day own shares in the company, I would not believe it, but here we are and it’s really exciting!

When Katie returned last year, we became a team of 3 with Katie now as the Head of Marketing. However in November 2014, Claire realised her true passion was in events and when a new position opened in the New Year, Claire successfully obtained a new role at Fitwise as an Events Executive, thus giving us an opening on the team! In March 2015, we successfully recruited Laura Cassidy as the new Marketing Assistant. Yes, another Laura in a team of 3 is a recipe for confusion; however, as Laura Cassidy is from the USA we have nicknamed each other Laura Scotland and Laura US! Therefore, listen out for the different accents when you call the marketing team!

My days at Fitwise Management Ltd now consist of marketing multiple events including one day events, complex annual conferences as well as being responsible for different publications and social media accounts for Fitwise and its clients. I also get to let my creative side run wild by designing flyers and brochures for events, ordering promotional items, drafting emails and press releases and being more active in the strategic planning of the company. Let’s face it, a day as a Marketing Executive at Fitwise is never a dull moment or quiet but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Although my job at Fitwise has changed quite drastically over the last 4 years, I can honestly say that my job is more than I ever hoped for and I feel really lucky to have been given this opportunity to work with a fantastic team of people.

Here’s to another 4 years at Fitwise Management Ltd!

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