Overcoming those workplace January blues

We are closing in on the first month of 2017. By now, baubles are back in the loft, those New Year’s resolutions are in full swing (or maybe not?), and you’ve come back to a less than festive office. So how do you overcome those workplace “January blues”?

Below are six sure fire ways to set the precedent for a positive and productive year ahead. 

Nothing gets you more organised like that fresh new diary. Whether you use an electronic or old school paper diary, crack it open and plan out your year’s tasks, meetings, and deadline dates (that you know of so far). Having a clear timeline will help motivate you to check off that to-do list and put you back in full swing after the holiday festivities.

Are you one of the 31 percent that start a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier? Try this to beat being one of the 63 percent who fail to keep it! www.graze.com is an online subscriptions of healthy snacks delivered to your door. The company boasts over 100 snacks to choose from and you have the option of picking which tasty treats you want sent to your home or office weekly! Share a subscription with colleagues and get grazing! Set to receive it every Monday, that way, you have something to look forward to. It’s the little things. 

January may seem gleam, but looking to the future could boost your present. Setting goals give you that long term vision while providing motivation in the now. Make a list of what you want to accomplish in your career in the next six months to a year. Share your goals with your manager and start working towards them! There’s no better time than the present! 

Don’t wait to plan your year’s team building activities! Start January off with a brainstorming session on what fun things the company can do to have fun and help boost team morale. Anything from Summer BBQ’s to Christmas night out should be on this list! The new craze of “escape the room” is perfect for team building fun. Have a look at local companies offering this fun, critical thinking game. 

Start the year off right not only within your office, but with those relationships closest to your organisation. Set meetings at the beginning of the year with your clients and suppliers for a post New Year catch-up and to set your year’s objectives. 

For those looking to get fit, look to hire a personal trainer to visit the office after work hours once a week. Find out in the beginning of the year who would want to join in and get started! This will not only help work off those turkey trimmings and Christmas pudding, it will boost motivation and team building among you and your colleagues. 

Let us know what you think! Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook and make sure to use the hashtag #wiseup.

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