Meet the Team – Katie Hill

Katie joined Fitwise in 2010, bringing experience operating within marketing roles and now heads up our sales and marketing team. With specialist marketing and sales experts, the team is skilled in maximising income and publicity for our clients.

Out of work Katie loves travelling, although her adventures with her young family are usually a bit closer to home these days, she spent a year in Japan following university. Katie loves seeing the team’s hard work pay off and delegate numbers, abstract submissions, sponsorship, exhibitors and membership numbers climb! We sat down with Katie to find out more about Katie and her time working at Fitwise.

How long have you worked at Fitwise? What is your professional background?

I started at Fitwise in 2010, almost 13 years ago as a Marketing Executive.  At that point Paul was the sole member of the Sales and Marketing team, and I joined to develop the marketing function for both Fitwise and Fitwise’s clients.  We are now a team of 6, soon to be 7 with the planned appointment of a Business Development Manager.

What are your key responsibilities? Do you have any areas of special expertise?

I oversee the Sales and Marketing function at Fitwise for both Fitwise and Fitwise’s clients.  I also head up our privacy officers’ group to oversee our GDPR compliance.

What is something you find challenging about your work, and why?

The role is very varied. We work across numerous clients and events which keeps things interesting, however, this juggle can also be a challenge from a resource point of view.

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work? Do you have any hobbies?

I have two young sons so, if I am not driving them to football, you will find me fitting in a quick run (I have a love/hate relationship with running – I love being outside and having some time to myself, but does it ever get easier?), and I also enjoy my Wednesday yoga for a bit of “me time”.

What is your favourite part about being part of the sales and marketing department at Fitwise?

I have great job satisfaction. I thrive on the variety, and also enjoy seeing a project through from initial concept through to delivery.

Is there anything about marketing for associations that you particularly enjoy?

It is very rewarding working with our clients.  They are busy healthcare professionals and it is great to be involved in helping them deliver education and support to their members.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island/what is your favourite trip that you have ever been on?

I would probably take my kindle as I never get enough time to read (assuming this is an island with wi-fi and power of course!), my family (who would also demand a good wi-fi signal) and our two cats Daisy and Misty (who would of course HATE it)!

My favourite trip – if you can really call it a trip – is the year I spent in Japan teaching English following university.  It was amazing to spend such a long time in a completely new environment, immersed in the culture. It was there that I met my husband, and, as they say, the rest is history!  We would love to go back one day!

How do you define success?

Of course the numbers have to speak for themselves! But as a manager when you see the team happy at work, thriving, developing and going the extra mile for our clients –  that’s really special.

Is there anything in store for your department, or Fitwise as a whole, that you are especially looking forward to?

We have just merged the sales and marketing teams at Fitwise to allow for greater support, efficiencies, and to streamline our function. So this is pretty exciting time to be in the team, watch this space!

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