Privacy Policy
Last Updated: 13 February 2025
Thank you for visiting Fitwise Management Ltd.
Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy is where we explain to you what personal information is collected when you visit our site, become a Fitwise client, become a member of one our association clients, or submit information to us. This policy also explains how your personal information is collected, how we may use that information, where we store it, how long we store it for, and how we protect it. We will also explain your rights in relation to your personal information.
Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal information and how we may collect it and treat it.
For convenience, we have divided our data protection policies into three separate pages:
Our Privacy Policy: This policy explains generally how we collect, use, store, and protect your personal information.
Our Cookie Policy: Our Cookie Policy is available [HERE] and explains more about how we may collect personal information about you via cookies (it also explains what cookies are).
Our Retention Policy: You can find out how long we may hold onto your personal information [HERE].
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our appointed Data Privacy Officers at or, if you prefer to call or write to us, then you can find our contact details at the bottom of this page.
We are Fitwise Management Ltd. We are registered in Scotland as a Limited Liability Company. Our registered number is SC247380 and our registered office is at Blackburn House, Redhouse Road, Seafied, Bathgate, West Lothian, EH47 7AQ.
But, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, it’s just easier if we refer to ourselves as “we”.
This Privacy Policy applies to our site, our association management and event management services, any communications that we may send to you on behalf of our clients, when you opt-in to receive certain communications from us and any other services that we may provide to you (we’ll just call these “our services” for short).
In the context of this Privacy Policy “personal information” means information which, on its own or in combination with other information, can be used to identify you, in particular by reference to an identifier such as your name, your address, banking information, or location data.
Provided that you consent to us collecting your personal information when you visit our site, become a member of our association, or opt-in to receive communications from us then this Privacy Policy will govern how we may use that personal information.
Because we are an organisation located in the United Kingdom the personal information that you give us or that we collect from you will be held under UK data protection legislation (but we’ll just refer to this as “the legislation”). The legislation requires that we tell you that we are a data controller for your personal information or, in other words, we determine the purposes for which and the manner in which any of your personal information are, or are to be, processed by us.
Depending on how you interact with us we may seek to obtain your consent in a number of different ways. We will determine which method is more appropriate but, in any event, we will always ask your express consent before collecting your personal information.
Our website
If you are only visiting our site then you should see an overlay at the bottom of your screen directing you to this Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. By clicking or selecting the “I Agree” button that appears in the overlay then you are demonstrating to us that you are freely giving us informed and specific consent for us to collect and process your personal information for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and you are accepting and consenting to the practices described.
If you do not click or select the “I Agree” button that appears in the overlay at the bottom of your screen then we will not collect your personal information – this is subject to the caveat below.
If you do not see an overlay at the bottom of your screen then you may have already accepted our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. You may also be using a pop-up blocker or similar tools that may prevent this policy from being brought to your attention. Please ensure that any pop-up blockers are disabled when you use our site. We cannot be held liable to you if you use pop-up blocks or similar tools that prevent us from complying with our obligations under the legislation.
There is still some information that we may automatically collect about your computing device when you visit our site. This normally isn’t personal information but rather technical information sent by your device and used to connect your computer, tablet, or mobile device to the Internet, including your browser type and version, the time when you visit our site, your time zone setting, certain browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform. This type of information is sent by you to our site automatically and it isn’t something that we can prevent. We only use this information to administer our site including troubleshooting, load testing, traffic throughput, data analysis, performance testing, and for anonymised research and statistics purposes that we only use internally.
We facilitate association membership services on behalf of our clients, and if you would like to become a member of our association clients, then during your registration process they will ask you for certain types of personal information. Before you can complete the registration process you will be asked to read and understand their Privacy Policy and accept its terms (these can be easily found on their own websites). The information that they ask for as part of your registration process will only be used for the purposes of your membership with the association and they will not ask you for information that is irrelevant.
However, they will need you to accept the terms of their Privacy Policy in order to offer you membership with their association. If you do not consent to them collecting this personal information then they cannot provide you with a membership. It is important to understand that they require this information in order to manage your membership, stay in touch with you about association events, and monitor your membership status.
Our Events
We facilitate events on behalf of our clients. Depending on the type of event you attended you may be asked to register through our/or their site or you may be asked to complete a paper-based form. If you are asked to register through our site then you will be prompted to read and accept this Privacy Policy. However, if you have been given a paper-based form then this Privacy Policy should be attached to it and you will be asked to confirm your express consent to us collecting your personal information when completing the form.
We will only hold your personal information as detailed in our Retention Policy [HERE].
If you consent to us collecting your personal information then we may process the following data about you:
Information you give to us:
You may give us personal information about you by filling in forms on our / our clients sites or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. This includes information you may provide to us when you register to use our / our clients sites, subscribe to our / our clients services, search our / our clients site, attend our / our client events, participate in any discussion boards or other social media functions on our / our clients site, enter a competition, promotion or survey, and when you report a problem with our / our clients site.
The information you give us may include:
Your name;
E-mail address;
Phone number;
IP address;
Financial and credit card information;
Personal description; and
Photographs and/or videos.
Dietary requirements
Access requirements
Information we collect about you:
Our website:
When you visit our site we may collect information about you, including which pages you have visited (including date and time) which services and pages you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, files downloaded, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from a page and any phone number used to call our customer service number.
The purpose of this information is to allow us to administer our site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, improving our site to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer, and as part of our efforts to keep our site safe and secure.
When you become a member of our association clients they may, in addition to the information above, collect statistical information about you. For example your areas of professional interest and specialty, and your location in order to help us provide you with the maximum value out of your membership. In most cases they will keep statistical information anonymous and they do not use this information for marketing purposes. However, they may retain it for historical, archival, and research purposes in order to further their remit and society goals.
We may also combine personal information that you have given us or we may have collected from you when you attended our events. We may combine the personal information that you pass to us with the information that we have collected about you as part of your engagement with our society. For example, this may include using photographs and videos that we collected about you while you attended one of our events. For the avoidance of doubt, we will only combine personal information that we believe is related and relevant to the purposes of growing and developing the legacy and history of our society and is relevant for archival purposes.
Information we receive from other sources:
Data collected from any of the other sites, services, or events that we operate may be shared internally and combined with data collected on this / our clients site and through your membership with them. We are also working closely with third parties (including, for example, sub-contractors in technical, payment and delivery services, analytics providers, search information providers, and credit reference agencies) and may receive information about you from them.
The information that we receive from these third parties will normally be in connection with your membership with our clients, or events attendance. For example, we may receive RSVP information about you if we use a third party events booking platform or if we use a third party payment gateway such as WorldPay, PayPal, or Stripe to process a payment from you. In these circumstances the information is being received from these sources because it is related to your membership with our clients or the services that you receive from us.
We do not knowingly pass your personal information to third parties for the purposes of marketing without your express consent.
Communication, engagement and actions taken through external social media platforms that we participate in / participate in on behalf of our clients or for us are subject to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively. We advise our visitors and clients members to use social media platforms wisely and communicate / engage upon them with due care and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. We will never ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage our visitors and members wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact us through our primary communication channels such as by telephone or email.
Information you may pass to third-parties outside our control:
On many of the pages on our site you will see ‘social buttons’. These enable you to share or bookmark pages on our site. These may include buttons for: Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Facebook or other social features.
In order for us to implement these buttons on our site and connect them to the relevant social networks and external sites, there are scripts that are executed from domains owned by third-parties and outside of our control.
You should be aware that these sites are likely to be collecting information about what you are doing all around the Internet, including on our site. So if you click on any of these buttons, these sites will be registering that action and may use that information. In some cases these sites will be registering the fact that you are visiting our site, and the specific pages you are on, even if you don’t click on the button but are already or automatically logged into their services, like Google and Facebook.
We recommend that you check the respective policies of each of these sites to see how exactly they use your personal information and to find out how to opt out, or delete, such personal information.
If we use a third party payment gateway such as WorldPay, PayPal, or Stripe then you may pass your financial details to these companies in order to process payment. In these circumstances we do not receive any of your financial information, rather, we receive confirmation as to whether your payment was successful or not.
Information we may pass to third-parties
Depending on how you engage with us, we may need to pass certain types of personal information about you to select third parties. We only pass this information to these third parties if it is necessary for the purposes of the services that we offer you and as part of your association membership or event attendance (either as a sponsor / exhibitor, delegate or speaker). For example, if you register to attend one of our events we may need to pass your information to our badging partner in order to generate your badge.
The current third parties that we use for Fitwise or on behalf of our clients are as follows:
1) Company Name: SurveyMonkey Inc.
Company Registered Office: One Curiosity Way, San Mateo, CA 94403
Categories of Data to be processed: Email address to conduct event and general surveys
Territories where Data may be processed: European Economic Area
2) Company Name: Events Air (Part of Centium Software)
Company Registered Office: 21-23 Croydon Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6PA
Company Registered Number: 08440654
Categories of Data to be processed: Event attendees enter in all their event registration details
Territories where Data may be processed: European Economic Area
3) Company Name: N200
Company Registered Office: GES Silverstone Drive, Gallagher Business Park, Coventry, Warks, CV6 6PA.
Company Registered Number: 02685312
Categories of Data to be processed: Event attendees name, email address, job title and place of work for badging
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
4) Company Name: Izettle
Company Registered Office: Regeringsgatan 59, 111 56, Stockholm, Sweden
Company Registered Number: 556806-0734
Categories of Data to be processed: Onsite payment at events, individual to enter in their own details
Territories where Data may be processed: EU/EEA, US and Australia.
5) Company Name: Forfront (eshot)
Company Registered Office: 3rd Floor Paternoster House, 65 St Paul’s Churchyard, London, EC4M 8AB
Company Registered Number: 03643637
Categories of Data to be processed: Name and email address to send emails on behalf of clients and Fitwise
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
6) Company Name: Worldpay
Company Registered Office: The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London, EC4N 8AF
Company Registered Number: 03424752
Categories of Data to be processed: Event and membership payment, individual enters in their own details and Fitwise doesn’t not have access to payment information
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
7) Company Name: Electrol Reform
Company Registered Office: The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW
Company Registered Number: 2263092
Categories of Data to be processed: Name and email address to facilitate voting on behalf of associations
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
8) Company Name: Index Group Ltd
Company Registered Office: Unit X1, Claybrookes Court, Herald Way, Binley Ind. Estate, Coventry, CV3 2NY
Company Registered Number: 04612363
Categories of Data to be processed: Stand contractors for Annual Conferences and are provided exhibitor email address and company information
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
9) Company Name: SmartDebit Limited
Company Registered Office: Windlesham Court, 51 Guildford Road, Bagshot, Surrey, England, GU19 5NG
Company Registered Number: 07374078
Categories of Data to be processed: Process membership payments individual enters in their own details and Fitwise doesn’t not have access to payment information
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
10) Company Name: PayPal (Europe)
Company Registered Office: L-1150 Luxembourg
Categories of Data to be processed: Process membership payments. individual enters in their own details and Fitwise doesn’t not have access to payment information
Territories where Data may be processed: potentially worldwide
11) Company Name: JustGiving
Company Registered Office: 2nd Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0TA,
Company registration number: 04162317
Categories of Data to be processed: Process donations
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
12) Company Name: VirginMoney Giving Limited
Company Registered Office: Jubilee House, Gosforth, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NE3 4PL
Company registration number: 02733492
Categories of Data to be processed: Process donations
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
13) Company Name: Amember software hosted by webdeveloper Richard Pavey
Company Registered Office: 12 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AX
Company Registered Number: Sole trader
Categories of Data to be processed: Membership data
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
14) Company Name: GoCardless Ltd.
Company Registered Office: Sutton Yard, 65 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EN, United Kingdom
Company Registered Number: 07495895
Categories of Data to be processed: Process membership payments individual enters in their own details and Fitwise doesn’t not have access to payment information
Territories where Data may be processed: EEA
15) Company Name: Henry Ling Limited
Company Registered Office: The Dorset Press, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1HD
Company Registered Number: 224715
Categories of Data to be processed: Members name and address for the Journal
Territories where Data may be processed: TBC
16) Company Name: Moorepay Limited
Company Registered Office: Peoplebuilding 2, Peoplebuilding Estate Maylands, Avenue Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 4NW
Company Registered Number: 00891686
Categories of Data to be processed: Membership payment (Fitwise have no access to payment details)
Territories where Data may be processed: TBC
17) Company Name: Software Europe (part of Selenity Limited)
Company Registered Office: Nibley House, Low Moor Road, Lincoln, United Kingdom, LN6 3JY
Company Registered Number: 02360522
Categories of Data to be processed: Board expenses system.
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
18) Company Name: SAGE Publications Limited
Company Registered Office: 1 Olivers Yard, 55 City Road, London, EC1Y 1SP
Company Registered Number: 01017514
Categories of Data to be processed: Member name and address
Territories where Data may be processed: UK/USA/India/APAC
19) Company Name: Johnston Mailing Ltd
Company Registered Office: 44 Watt Road, Hillington Park, Glasgow, G52 4RY
Company Registered Number: SC218543
Categories of Data to be processed: name and postal address for conference mailings
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
20) Company Name: Platinum Print Ltd.
Company Registered Office: Park House, Hookstone Park, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 7DB
Company Registered Number: 03879483
Categories of Data to be processed: Printing board business cards, name, job title and email address
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
21) Company Name: MBM Print SCS Ltd
Company Registered Office: 1 Tennant Avenue, East Kilbride, Scotland, G74 5NA
Company Registered Number: SC476715
Categories of Data to be processed: back up mailing house
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
22)Company Name: Esteiro Business Solutions Limited (GoldVision)
Company Registered Office: Ryehills Park, Ryehills Road, West Haddon, Northamptonshire, NN6 7BX, UK
Company registration number: 04292582
Categories of Data to be processed: Exhibitor / Sponsor contact details and potential Client contact details
Territories where Data may be processed: Data held in the UK.
23) Company Name: Elsevier
Company Registered Office: Radarweg 29, Amsterdam 1043 NX, Netherlands
Categories of Data to be processed: Name and address for Journal
Territories where Data may be processed: US, India and Philippines
24) Company Name: EPDQ (Barclaycard)
Company Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Company Registered Number: 1026167
Categories of Data to be processed: Process membership payments individual enters in their own details and Fitwise doesn’t not have access to payment information
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
25) Company Name: UHY Hacker Young LLP
Company Registered Office: Quadrant House, 4 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW
Company Registered Number: OC327384
Categories of Data to be processed: Process membership direct debits
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
26) Company Name: Pinpoint Scotland Ltd
Company Registered Office: Campbell Dallas Llp, Titanium 1 Kings Inch Place, Renfrew, PA4 8WF
Company Registered Number: SC068684
Categories of Data to be processed: Name and address supplied for posting publication
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
27) Company Name: iCohere
Company Registered Office: 1220 Oakland Blvd., Suite 210, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Categories of Data to be processed: Online event platform, individual enters in their own details.
Territories where Data may be processed: USA
28) Company Name: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Company Registered Office: Corporate Headquarters, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Categories of Data to be processed: Name and address supplied for posting publication
Territories where Data may be processed: Potentially worldwide
29) Company Name: BJU International
Company Registered Office: 3 Junction Mews, London, W2 1PN
Company Registered Number: 01793312
Categories of Data to be processed: name and email address
Territories where Data may be processed: TBC when proceeding
30) Company Name: Safer Pay (Six Payment Servcies)
Company Registered Office: Hardturmstrasse 201, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Categories of Data to be processed: Process membership payments, Fitwise doesn’t have access to data
Territories where Data may be processed: Switzerland
31) Company Name: Mail Chimp
Company Registered Office: 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308 USA
Company Registered Number: OC327384
Categories of Data to be processed: email address to email members
Territories where Data may be processed: USA / Worldwide
32) Company Name: Kenes
Company Registered Office: Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland
Categories of Data to be processed: Membership numbers provided
Territories where Data may be processed: EEA
33) Company Name: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business
Company Registered Office: Wolters Kluwer, P.O. Box 1030, 2400 BA, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands
Categories of Data to be processed: Name, address and email address for Journal distribution
Territories where Data may be processed: EEA
34) Company Name: Equiom
Company Registered Office: First Floor Jubilee Buildings, Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle Of Man, IM1 2SH
Categories of Data to be processed: Direct debit processing for membership.
Territories where Data may be processed: Worldwide
35) Company Name: Stripe Payments Europe Ltd
Company Registered Office: 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin.
Categories of Data to be processed: payment of flyers, individual enters in their own details and Fitwise doesn’t not have access to payment information
Territories where Data may be processed: EEA
36) Company Name: Xero (UK) Limited
Company Registered Office: Bank House, 171 Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1EB Company registration number: 06071722
Categories of Data to be processed: Accounting software
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
37) Company Name: Restore PLC
Company Registered Office: The Databank Unit 5 Redhill Distribution Centre, Salbrook Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5DY
Company registration number: 05169780
Categories of Data to be processed: Disposal of confidential waste
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
38) Company Name: SAGE (UK) Ltd
Company Registered Office: C23 – 5 & 6 Cobalt Park Way Cobalt Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE28 9E
Company registration number: 01045967
Categories of Data to be processed: Accounts database
Territories where Data may be processed: UK and EEA (with potential transfer outside)
39) Company Name: Advantage Services (Europe) Ltd.
Company Registered Office: Sherwood House, 7 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, England, NG7 6LB
Company registration number: 04481936
Categories of Data to be processed: Hosting of Sage
Territories where Data may be processed: TBC
40) Company Name: Royal Bank of Scotland
Company Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2YB
Company registration number: SC083026
Categories of Data to be processed: Bank account.
Territories where Data may be processed: UK and EEA
41) Company Name: Cameron Event Logistics
Company Registered Office: 1 Tennant Avenue, College Milton South, East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5NA
Company registration number: SC467122
Categories of Data to be processed: Logistics for exhibitors.
Territories where Data may be processed: UK
If we need to transfer your personal information to one of the above mentioned third parties then we will ensure that we have provided appropriate safeguards and an adequate level of security for your personal information in order to protect you rights and freedoms.
When you give us / our clients your personal information then we may use it to:
Manage, maintain, and monitor your membership on behalf of our association clients;
Carry out our obligations from any contracts entered into between our clients and us which requires us to provide you with information that you request from us;
Provide you with information about our events and events on behalf of our association clients; and
Provide you with information on the services we provide;
Provide you with information on the sponsorship, advertising and exhibiting opportunities available on behalf of our association clients;
Ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer.
If you provide us with your e-mail, telephone or mobile number then we may contact you by these electronic means (e-mail or SMS). However, we will not use your personal information for marketing or sales purposes without your express consent. We would use this information in order to keep you up to date about our events or to send you notifications about an event you may have registered or have expressed an interest in attending or provide you with general information about the goings-on on behalf of your association. We will not use your personal information to provide you with emails on behalf of our client’s industry partners without your express consent as part of your membership sign-up.
If you do not wish to receive any information by electronic means then please get in touch with our Data Privacy Officers (details below).
We do not engage in profiling and automated decision-making with respect to your personal information. For example we will not analyse or predict aspects concerning your economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements without your express consent.
If you opt-in to receive information about us or our association clients or events then, depending on what personal information we hold about you, we may decide to contact you via:
Telephone; or
You may opt-in to receive general information or we may ask you to opt-in on a case by case basis. For example, you may be asked to opt-in separately to receive marketing or sales communication but we may not ask you to opt-in to communication that we believe is essential to your membership with our clients.
If you are a member of one of our association clients we believe that we have a legitimate interest to contact you strictly on their behalf and instruction via e-mail or post for the duration of your membership and to send you reminders about outstanding fees or membership renewals. If you do not wish to receive any information then please get in touch with our Data Privacy Officers (details below).
If you are a non-member who attends one of our events or our client events, or signs up to join the events mailing list on our website, and opts-in to receive information about us / our clients then, depending on what personal information we hold about you, we may decide to contact you via:
E-mail; or
With information on similar events which we feel you may be interested in attending. The purpose of opting into receiving communications from us is to help us better understand you, engage with you, and to assist us in providing the types of communications that you wish to receive from us
We will do our best to let you know what method or methods of communication we will use. Don’t forget, you can always opt-out from receiving communications from us after you have opted-in or you can tell us that you only want to receive communications in a particular manner, or about a particular element of the business. Depending on the type of campaign we might give you the ability to select how you would like to be contacted but this might not always be possible due to technical issues.
We may need to pass your personal information to select third parties who are responsible for facilitating communication with you on our behalf.
The current third parties that we use for Fitwise or on behalf of our clients are as follows:
1) Company Name: Events Air (Part of Centium Software)
Company Registered Office: 21-23 Croydon Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6PA
Company Registered Number: 08440654
Categories of Data to be processed: Email event attendees and exhibitors / sponsors.
Territories where Data may be processed: European Economic Area
2) Company Name: Forfront (eshot)
Company Registered Office: 3rd Floor Paternoster House, 65 St Paul’s Churchyard, London, EC4M 8AB
Company Registered Number: 03643637
Categories of Data to be processed: name and email address to send emails to membership
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
3) Company Name: Amember software hosted by webdeveloper Richard Pavey
Company Registered Office: 12 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AX
Company Registered Number: Sole trader
Categories of Data to be processed: Emails to members
Territories where Data may be processed: United Kingdom
4) Company Name: Mail Chimp
Company Registered Office: 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308 USA
Company Registered Number: OC327384
Categories of Data to be processed: email address to email the membership
Territories where Data may be processed: USA / Worldwide
5)Company Name: Esteiro Business Solutions Limited (GoldVision)
Company Registered Office: Ryehills Park, Ryehills Road, West Haddon, Northamptonshire, NN6 7BX, UK
Company registration number: 04292582
Categories of Data to be processed: Exhibitor / Sponsor contact details and potential Client contact details
Territories where Data may be processed: Data held in the UK. Data may be viewed from United States of America, US and European Economic Area
If you receive communications but that organisation is not listed above then this might be because we are using that organisation or service on a one-off basis – in which case, we will let you know. If you are unsure then please get in touch with our Data Privacy Officers.
We will not knowingly sell your personal information for marketing purposes or pass your personal information to third parties without explicit consent.
If you are receiving communications from us in error or you have opted-out then please get in touch with us and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Fitwise Management Limited (“Fitwise”) provides association clients with certain key management services, and acts as a data processor on their instruction and behalf. These management services are essential to the functioning of their association and they have a close working relationship with us. As a result, information that our clients may collect about you will be disclosed to us. The information processed and collected on our clients behalf by Fitwise will only be used for the purposes of managing their site, their association membership services, organising their events, and communicating with you on their behalf. Fitwise will not use this information for their marketing purposes and we have documented services agreements between Fitwise and all of our clients.
Subject to the disclosure of information by our association clients to Fitwise, neither our association clients, or Fitwise on their behalf, will not knowingly share your personal information with anyone outside of your association unless we are required under UK law or where we have anonymised your information so that you can no longer be identified. Please remember that our Cookies Policy covers matters such as using your personal information for analytics purposes.
In some cases we may disclose information with select third parties:
We may anonymise and aggregate your information with other users (for example, we may track that 500 men aged under 20 have clicked on a specific page on our site on any given day). We may use such aggregate and anonymised information to help reach a particular target audience or understand who uses our site.
Credit reference agencies for the purpose of assessing your credit score where this is a condition of us entering into a contract with you or providing you with services.
Debt collection agencies where you have breached a condition of any contract entered between us and you.
If we or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal information held by us about you may be one of the transferred assets.
If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce any agreements with you, or to protect our rights, property, or safety of our employees, or others.
The personal information that we collect from you, on behalf of Fitwise and our Association Clients will be stored within the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area. We may also store or transfer certain limited types of personal information outside of the European Economic Area where it is necessary for the purposes of your membership with us or where you have received a communication from us and opted-in to providing us with further information. Where we transfer your personal information outside of the EEA then we will ensure that we have provided appropriate safeguards and an adequate level of security for your personal information in order to protect you rights and freedoms.
All personal information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers. Any online payment transactions will be encrypted using Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer technology. On behalf of our association clients where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted from our site and any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your personal information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access. We apply a ‘Privacy by Design’ approach to protecting your personal information in order to promote privacy and data protection compliance from the start. However, by its very nature our site can be accessed by individuals from around the world and it may be that for our association clients who operate online membership directories their members may access or view some of your personal information from outside of the European Economic Area – for example, if you are listed in their public or private member’s directory then that information may be viewable by other members even if they are not located in the European Economic Area.
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal information or to restrict the purposes for which we may process your personal information. However, if you have an account or membership with one of our association clients and you withdraw your consent then they reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to certain parts of their site or suspend or termination your membership with them.
You can exercise your right at any time by contacting our Data Privacy Officers. If you consented to us collecting and/or processing your personal information but you change your mind then you can get in touch with us about erasing the personal information we hold about you.
Please be aware that, even if we receive a request from you to delete your personal information, it may be that we cannot entirely remove all of your personal information. This is usually because we have a legitimate interest to hold onto some of that personal information, for example, if you have an ongoing contract with us, there are outstanding payments due by you to us, the personal information relates to a third-party such as a member of stuff, or we have a legal obligation to retain some or all of your personal information – but we’ll let you know.
The legislation gives you the right to access a copy of the personal information that we hold about you.
In order to request a copy you need to submit a request to our Data Privacy Officers – details on how to get in touch can be found at the bottom of this page. However, please remember that certain types of data cannot be disclosed to you as part of your request. For example, we cannot disclose information to you which identifies another individual or information that may be subject to legal professional privilege. In many cases we may be required to redact some of the documentation that you receive in order to comply with the legislation.
Additionally, we can’t just release your personal information to anyone. We can only release your personal information to you or an authorised third party who can demonstrate that you consented to have your personal information released – this is a legal requirement. Therefore, it is important for us to ensure that we confirm your identity before we can release any personal information.
If you send us a request to provide you with a copy of your personal information then we may ask you to provide some identification. We may ask you to provide a copy of your current and valid passport and/or driving license plus a utility bill (that is no more than 3 months old) and has your current address.
All of this might sound very onerous but please understand that we have an obligation to protect your personal information and we need to be certain that it is being released to the right person.
If you do not consent to us collecting your personal information then we cannot guarantee the full functionality of our site, or services, or your ability to maintain a membership with our association clients, or your ability to attend our / our clients events, because we must collect certain types of personal information about you and we cannot be held responsible or liable to you for any reduction or restriction in access to our site or any of our other services.
Our site contains links to and from the sites of our clients. If you follow a link to any of these sites, please note that these sites have their own privacy and cookie policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal information to these sites.
Depending on how you engage with us it may be necessary for us to store your personal information for shorter or longer periods of time. Either way, we will only store your personal information for a legitimate and lawful reason.
You can find details on how long we may hold onto your personal information on our Retention Policy which can be found [HERE].
We may need to change this Privacy Policy if it’s necessary for legal reasons or to reflect changes to our site, association membership, or services. In any case, the provisions of this Privacy Policy may be changed without prejudice to your rights. When we change our Privacy Policy we will make the updated Privacy Policy available on our site and we will also update the “Last Updated” date.
Once we change our Privacy Policy, it will become legally binding on you 30 days after we post it on our site. During that period you’re welcome to contact us if you have questions about the changes.
If you don’t agree with our changes to the Privacy Policy (regardless of whether you get in touch with us) then unfortunately we may need to restrict or limit your use of the parts of our site. We’re sorry we have to say that, but we hope you’ll appreciate that in order for certain parts of our site to work properly, be properly maintained, and in order for us to identify you in connection with our services we need to have everyone using our site and our services under the same rules instead of different people having different rules – that’s why we encourage you to get in touch with us if you have queries.
This Privacy Policy was prepared with brevity and clarity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive detail of all aspects of our collection and use of your personal information. However, we are happy to provide additional information or explanation needed.
If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding our Privacy Policy then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. To make things easier for both of us we would appreciate it if your queries were addressed to:
Data Privacy Officers
Fitwise Management Limited
Blackburn House
Redhouse Road
Seafield, Bathgate
West Lothian
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1506 811077
If you are not satisfied with the way that we have handled any of your requests or queries relating to our use of your personal data then you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at The Information Commissioner’s Office is the statutory body responsible for overseeing data protection legislation and law in the United Kingdom.