How to Generate Copy for your Publication

How to Generate Copy for your Publication

How to Generate Copy for your Publication

At Fitwise we coordinate the production of a number of magazines and Journals. We understand that sometimes it is necessary to proactively seek articles to ensure your publication meets the required page count and deadlines. These articles should be relevant, well-written and of interest to your readership. Here are five ideas of where you may find them!

Abstract submitters: If you have a conference with poster / oral presentations, this is an extremely valuable source of relevant and recent research. After conference, it is worth contacting the poster / oral abstract presenters to ask if they would consider writing up their research for inclusion in your publication. Not only will it benefit your publication but it provides a wider platform for them to share their findings.

Speakers: Additionally, if you are running a conference or, indeed, attending a conference, keep in mind of any talks which are of particular interest as it is worth approaching the speakers afterwards to ask if they would like to submit their talk as an article.

Interviews: Within your publication, it can be interesting to include interviews from key members of your society / association, and to ask them a range of questions about their career and profession as a whole. This can be valuable to newcomers to the profession, and can also offer interesting insights into individuals who many people may have heard of but don’t know a lot about.

Conference Reports: It is always useful to include conference reports within your publications. These can be conferences which your society has run, or conferences which members have attended. The reports can be in the format of a summary of the key talks, learning outcomes and any new findings. You will find that not everyone who wanted to attend will have been able to and they will appreciate hearing about the day.

Filler adverts: You may find that you have half page / quarter pages which need some kind of ‘filler’ so they are more complete. It is valuable to develop a range of filler adverts in advance and to have them on standby to slot in when needed. Ideas for content include:  website promotion, social media promotion, word search, event promotion, membership benefits, and map of branches.  

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