Event Lingo Explained: Part II

Event Lingo Explained: Part II

When your PCO starts asking you whether you want 24hour rate or DDR? Do you know what they mean or do you start thinking, ‘OMG what have I let myself in for?’! 

To view Part I CLICK HERE

This is the Conference Organising Group, often comprising members of a society who have overall sign off on all aspects of the event.

If you are looking to try and save money when running your social events by bringing in your own wine, it is extremely important to know that venues will charge you a corkage charge for this, which may negate any savings you may have made.

Data Protection Act:
The Data Protection Act controls how personal information is used by organisations, businesses and the government. When organising an event, you will have responsibility for personal information which you must ensure adheres to the specified ‘data protection principles’. Further information can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/data-protection/the-data-protection-act. Fitwise can confirm that they both understand and adhere to the Data Protection Act.

A delegate is a person who attends a conference.

When you are speaking to the hotel about which packages they offer they will also mention a DDR, or Day Delegate Rate. This is the rate that the venue will charge each delegate for each day they attend based on a full day meeting. Items which are usually included in the package are: room hire, a couple of tea and coffee breaks and lunch. If required, you may be able to negotiate the inclusion of other items to include conference equipment such as a podium, projector, or screen. An alternative to DDR is 24 rate, an explanation of which is in Part I of “Event Lingo Explained”.

Keep an eye out for Part III-IV coming soon!

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