Concern for the environment and promoting a broader sustainability agenda are integral to Fitwise’s professional activities as well as the management of the organisation.
Fitwise recognises that the business and employees have an important role to play in reducing negative environmental impacts and tackling climate change.
Furthermore, Fitwise aim to follow and promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all activities and to help clients and partners to do the same.
Net Zero Carbon Events
We are proud to have signed the “Net Zero Carbon Events” pledge, a joint commitment across the events and meetings industry to achieve the targets laid out in the Paris Climate Accord. The pledge commits organisations to achieve “net zero” by 2050, at the latest, and halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
With this in mind, we are delighted to announce that from April 2022, Fitwise have been supporting our clients to deliver more sustainable events by:
- Providing solutions that educate, create behavioural change and deliver a reduction of emissions at the event.
- Offering the option of a carbon offsetting programme which allows the remaining carbon footprint to be offset in an ethical manner.
- Advising on sustainable sponsorship opportunities.
Read more about this initiative here.

- To comply with, exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulation and codes of practice. To integrate sustainability considerations into business decisions.
- To ensure that staff are fully aware of the Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing it.
- To minimise the impact on the environment of all site, office and transportation activities.
- To implement realistic and achievable environmental targets, review and report on these targets regularly in order to continually improve Fitwise’s sustainability performance.
Minimising Travel and Carbon Emissions
- Fitwise efficiently time meetings to avoid multiple trips and use car share when possible to reduce the impact of vehicle journeys.
- Fitwise reduce the need for staff to travel by supporting alternative working arrangements such as conference calls.
- Air travel should be the last resort when all other alternative travel arrangements have been explored.
Minimise Energy Consumption
- All types of heating will be controlled by timers and thermostats and be set at an ambient temperature of 20°C during colder periods. Heating will be avoided during the summer.
- Fitwise will make use of PIR lighting in rooms that are used infrequently such as toilets and corridors and cupboards. All lights will be turned off when not in use.
- Electric water heaters will have timers fitted and turned off at weekends.
- All office equipment and computers will be switched off when not in use.
- When light tubes and bulbs need replacing, replace with lower energy efficient fittings.
- Security lights will operate on PIR sensors and low energy bulbs used.
- Posters are displayed throughout Fitwise to encourage the ‘switch it off’ process.
Minimise the Consumption of Other Resources
- Minimise use of paper and other office consumables to actively reduce waste and recycle where possible.
- Fitwise only use skip companies who have ISO14001 accreditation.
- Purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable energy.
- Purchase of timber and furniture products are from sustainable sources and are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified.
- All scrap metal is collected and recycled.
- All surplus conference materials such as pens, notepads, bags and lanyards are recycled or gifted to charity partners.
- Fitwise conduct an annual audit with all event partners to evaluate their sustainability.