An Easter surprise for Carers of West Lothian

This Easter, Fitwise held an Easter Egg collection for our charity of the year – Carers of West Lothian.

Carers of West Lothian provide support, information and a voice for carers in West Lothian, working with others to ensure a better quality of life for all carers.

A carer is any individual who gives unpaid care and support to someone who can’t manage to live independently without help. This could be due to a range of issues including disability, frailty, addiction, or illness. Carers may support a family member, partner, friend or neighbour.

Sadly, carers are not just adults. Young Carers can sometimes be as young as 8 years old, caring for a parent or a sibling. These amazing children are often responsible for the things that most kids would never have to think about – tasks such as doing the shopping, the cooking or even basic nursing care. Carers of West Lothian host a get-together every week for Young Carers to relax and get a well-deserved break from their care responsibilities.

Young Carers don’t always get to enjoy holiday seasons as they are too busy looking after those in their care. These children are true unsung heroes – that’s why we chose to donate to Carers of West Lothian. We hope that something as small as an Easter egg could provide a bit of holiday cheer.

Members of staff donated a whopping 68 eggs (particularly good considering there are only 37 of us!) which is just enough for an egg for every Young Carer helped by the charity.

Carers of West Lothian is a fantastic cause, without which many carers (both young and adult) would be forced into bearing the load by themselves. Please take a moment of your time to visit their website, read about how they make an impact in West Lothian and find out how you could make a difference to the lives of carers and those being cared for.

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