Bid support for your conference

At Fitwise, we offer a free of charge service to support your bid to host a prestigious national or international conference. 

What is a conference bid?

Opportunities to host a national or international conference can emerge through different channels. Typically, an association or organisation seeks a prominent figure within their specialist area or sector to spearhead the program. They also engage their colleagues in the process. This person is often referred to as the ambassador. A local ambassador will often be chosen based on the location of the conference, but not always.  

Why become an ambassador?

Whether it’s a professional ambition or wider association objective, hosting a conference is a great way to raise the profile of your sector, cause, and organisation. Conferences are also positive for the local economy and enhance the visibility of institutions and research.  

How can Fitwise help?

Bidding for a conference can be an exciting yet daunting prospect.  It may take just one ambassador to initiate the bid journey, but a collaborative partnership is essential to develop a compelling and competitive bid submission. This is where we can help – it’s not a coincidence that one of our company values is “We work in partnership with you”.  

Our complimentary, no obligation bid service will support you through the process: 

  • Bid-writing  
  • Development of essential documentation such as event methodology  
  • Liaison with the local convention bureau to promote the city/destination and amenities  
  • Provision of a forecast budget  
  • Our in-house Chartered Accountant can provide valuable advice on how best to manage the event finances.  
  • Presentation support – development of presentation material and presenting to the decision panel  

Why is the service free - what’s the catch?

We understand that preparing to host a conference can be a lengthy process. The first crucial step is securing the bid. By offering our support, often in collaboration with the local convention bureau, we can enhance the competitiveness of your submission. Alongside presenting a strong case and a detailed forecast budget. Demonstrating that we have key individuals and organisations on board adds significant value. 

Naturally, we hope that if your bid is successful, you will consider appointing us at your Professional Conference Organiser, however there is no obligation to do so. 

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